Exhume Goldwater ’08

Exhume Goldwater at CafePress
November 15, 2006, 5:43 am
Filed under: Products



Exhume Goldw Exhume Goldwater ‘08

Exhume Goldwater ’08
November 7, 2006, 5:54 am
Filed under: Goldwater

The 2006 midterm election is over and Democrats have swept into both houses of Congress. We’ve got a Republican in the White House and Democrats in Congress, and yet, nobody really foresees real change in Washington. The time has come to find a third way. Some argue we should draft politicians to help change Washington.1

After Vietnam, the last thing America really needs is another draft.

For years we’ve been looking above ground to find our candidates, and for years they’ve been disappointing. The time has come to start looking beneath the surface.

The time has come to exhume Barry Goldwater for President in 2008!

This website is dedicated that cause.

1 For examples of draft movements, see Condoleeza Rice, Al Gore, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Mark Warner, Rudy Guiliani, Blanche Lincoln, Wesley Clark, Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards, Olympia Snowe, Newt Gingrich, Barack Obama, Brian Schweitzer, John McCain, Matt Blunt and Pat Buchanan.